Tag: water
Now That’s Ironic
Our neighbors, who have stopped by to pay us a couple of “friendly” visits about our allegedly draining water into their yard when we flush our pool’s sand filter (never mind we have a cartridge filter that we can’t back flush and the drain valve for the pool connects directly to our sewer line), are watering their yard. What’s…
The Neighbors
If you read my post from Sunday, you’ll know that I broke one of our pool supply lines and had to drain about twelve inches of water from the pool so I could repair the pipe. I fixed the pipe Monday afternoon and refilled the pool on Tuesday. Once I verified the repaired pipe wasn’t leaking, I…
Back To Gardening
With the pool plumbing repaired and the PVC cement curing, I thought it was time I got back to gardening. Since I didn’t have enough time to setup another trellis for the cucumbers, I gave all the vegetables a once-over checking for pests, weeds, and potential produce. One of the first things I noticed was…
Not What I Had Planned
Today did not go according to my plan at all. The day started out like any other Sunday does for us – I got up when I woke up instead of letting my alarm clock dictate when I should get up, I fixed my coffee, checked my email… I don’t want to bore you with…