Tag: garden
I found another Toad hanging out around the potato barrels this morning; he waited patiently while I photographed him then went back to finding his breakfast.
Back To Gardening
With the pool plumbing repaired and the PVC cement curing, I thought it was time I got back to gardening. Since I didn’t have enough time to setup another trellis for the cucumbers, I gave all the vegetables a once-over checking for pests, weeds, and potential produce. One of the first things I noticed was…
If you read yesterday’s post, you know that I had a moment of stupid and managed to poke a hole in one of the pool pipes, thus draining part of the pool and flooding the yard. Fortunately I was able to divert much of the water into the drain line that dumps the water into…
Not What I Had Planned
Today did not go according to my plan at all. The day started out like any other Sunday does for us – I got up when I woke up instead of letting my alarm clock dictate when I should get up, I fixed my coffee, checked my email… I don’t want to bore you with…
We’ve been enjoying fresh squash from the garden for a couple of weeks now so I thought I would share tonight’s dinner experience with you. We decided to try a new variety of squash this year and settled on the White Scallop Squash from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds. We planted the seeds in the garden…