On November 15, 2001 a group of cyclists met in Siloam Springs, Arkansas to participate in Focus on the Family’s National Bike Ride for the Family. Focus on the Family is conducting the National Bike Ride for the Family to raise awareness of, and support for, their ministries. Our ride followed a route from Siloam Springs to Fort Smith on Friday, then from Fort Smith to Russellville on Saturday, and from Russellville into Hot Springs on Sunday. The route covered 227 miles.
If you would like more information about Focus on the Family and their ministries, follow this link to their web site. For additional information on the National Bike Ride for the Family, see this page. You can support Focus on the Family online through this secure link.
This ride has special significance for me; a milestone if you will: On September 30, 2000 I seriously injured my right ankle while mountain biking on a local trail. I am grateful to God for sending help on a seldom-used trail and for having everything perfectly arranged for my recovery. I am most thankful for my parents who cared for me while I recovered from this accident. I also am grateful for the doctors and therapists at Campbell Clinic. Their work and encouragement have made this ride possible for me.
More information about this accident is available here.
Please support Focus on the Family’s ministries through this secure link.