Category: Servers
Install Webmin on Fedora 22 Using DNF
You can install Webmin by either downloading and installing the RPM directly or you can add Webmin to your repo list then use DNF to install Webmin; I prefer the latter method. First, make sure your Fedora installation has the prerequisite dependencies installed. These dependencies are usually resolved and installed by DNF but I like…
Installing Webmin Using YUM
I like to use webmin to administrate some aspects of my Linux servers but, for some strange reason, I’m not big on using an RPM to install or update it – I prefer YUM. Here’s how. Install the GPG key for webmin: wget rpm –import jcameron-key.asc Create the repo file for webmin in /etc/yum.repos.d:…
Installing Webmin Using YUM
One of the first and most useful packages I like to install once I have a Fedora server up and running is Webmin. This handy administration tool provides you with a web interface for configuring just about anything you could possibly want to configure on your server. The process for installing Webmin has gotten much more…
Using Tail with Grep
I recently needed to search through my mail log to see if an email had been sent when someone told me it had been sent. I knew I could use grep for this but had no clue how to make it work so that it would show me only the data I needed to see.…
More Server Woes
I had to move our web server to a new physical location and, in doing so, ran into a number of challenges – not the least of which was the site quit working completely after the move. I have fixed most of the problems – the photo gallery is working again, the home page will…
New Server
I finished migrating the web site from the “server” (aka ‘glorified desktop computer’) it has been running on since August of 2007 to a new, much more powerful server. This should result in faster image processing so the images you want to see will load faster on your computer. The new server also incorporates more…
That’s Not Good…
Well, this isn’t such good news. The short of it is that I made a stupid mistake and just wiped out the last year’s worth of work on this site, all because I used a “>” instead of a “<” when restoring the site database. I hope you will bear with me as I rebuild,…