Category: Gardening
It’s Hot!
I would like to point out that today is June 1st and the outside temprature gauge in my car was reading 103Âș on the way home today. Looks like we’re in for a long, hot summer.
I found another Toad hanging out around the potato barrels this morning; he waited patiently while I photographed him then went back to finding his breakfast.
Back To Gardening
With the pool plumbing repaired and the PVC cement curing, I thought it was time I got back to gardening. Since I didn’t have enough time to setup another trellis for the cucumbers, I gave all the vegetables a once-over checking for pests, weeds, and potential produce. One of the first things I noticed was…
If you read yesterday’s post, you know that I had a moment of stupid and managed to poke a hole in one of the pool pipes, thus draining part of the pool and flooding the yard. Fortunately I was able to divert much of the water into the drain line that dumps the water into…
Not What I Had Planned
Today did not go according to my plan at all. The day started out like any other Sunday does for us – I got up when I woke up instead of letting my alarm clock dictate when I should get up, I fixed my coffee, checked my email… I don’t want to bore you with…
A Welcome Guest
I love the challenges of organic gardening so I’m thrilled when I get a little help from garden guests. I went out to check on the home garden this morning during a break in the rain and I found a good sized toad hanging out under leaves of our carrots. When we started this garden after…
We’ve been enjoying fresh squash from the garden for a couple of weeks now so I thought I would share tonight’s dinner experience with you. We decided to try a new variety of squash this year and settled on the White Scallop Squash from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds. We planted the seeds in the garden…